About Rhyolite

Rhyolite, Nevada is the most popular, best preserved ghost town in Nevada. Born in 1904, it was platted in 1905 on a hunch huge gold revenues could be had.  At its peak there were 10,000 inhabitants, 50 saloons, (Anheuser Busch was the beer of choice and ‘O, Be Joyful’ the preferred whiskey), 35 gaming tables, 18 grocery stores, a red light district, three water works, a railroad and luxurious depot, a jail, a communal swimming pool, an opera house, a two story concrete school, three banks, a telephone exchange and a hospital.  Rhyolite even had its own suburb, Bullfrog.  All that is left of Bullfrog now is its cemetery.  Rhyolite thrived until 1911 when banks nation wide failed and investment money disappeared.  The surrounding area is still mined today.